The agenda for the meeting is listed below.
Meeting Agenda
1. Introductions2. Presentation of reasons for the removal of Board Member Allen Thomas
3. Mr. Thomas’ rebuttal
4. Homeowner feedback of the future objectives and goals of the Association
5. General Discussion
A ballot was attached to the original mailing for the removal of Board Member Allen Thomas. A 75% affirmative vote is required. The ballot may be mailed to our management company, Advanced Realty Management, before the meeting or turned in at the meeting. All ballots will be kept confidential with only the final tally released to the community.
The Board of Trustees looks forward to seeing you at this important meeting and sharing your viewpoints with the Board and the community.
There is no way - NO WAY, that any elected trustee or board member can expect to continually avoid speaking to the members of an association as large as our HOA which consists of over 300 residences. HOA members just cannot be expected to resolve issues at an annual meeting that only lasts only one hour. BUT, that is exactly what Allen Thomas has consistently done since being elected. Avoiding conflict is not leadership. Only a dictator would attempt to effectively govern and rule from the comfort his home while screening phone calls and forcing residents to deal with a property management company. Corresponding with other trustee members primarily through e-mails (prepared by your wife) is no way so solve issues. Continually avoiding contact with HOA residents does nothing to foster an atmosphere of trust and harmony and only promotes animosity between the HOA Board of Trustees and those members within the community whom we are supposed to serve. This has been your style of leadership that has forced us to this critical time.
In addition, your most recent four (4) page rebuttal letter presented at our recent special meeting is littered with half truths and inaccuracy. You stated that I had resigned from the Board of Trustees because I "wanted to be exempt from the trash can policy." I NEVER REQUESTED ANY SUCH THING! In fact, I had requested in writing to meet with the board regarding the matter and I was STONEWALLED! You weren’t even man enough to talk to me about it before you directed Lisa Dills (previous property manager) to send me a letter of violation. Sad! You and Gail need to get your facts straight.
Let's face it Allen, you and Gail might be great serving on a committee dealing with accounting and billing records, but neither of you have a clue on how to deal with or discuss issues face to face with real people. The time has come for you to step down Allen.
For HOA members reading this – it was refreshing to see such a large turnout at our most recent meeting on 8/30/11. Thank you for attending. I want to thank Lachandra for having the gonads to hang in there during such tough times. Please consider that in addition to our next meeting for electing new Trustee/Board members – per the HOA Code of Regulations Article V (Officers and Committees) Section 5.01 “Officers and committee members shall be elected by the Board of Trustees. Officers need not be members of the Association and may be paid such compensation as the Board may determine.” This means that the newly elected HOA Board of Trustees has the option of having additional committees and members to assist in managing the affairs of the HOA. This should also be discussed at our next meeting.
"JB" Bell
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Association Management
Great Post! It's very nice to read this info from someone that actually knows what they are talking about. condo association management
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