Out of concern for the neighborhood, a property owner has offered detail of an incident recently experienced as follows: A neighbor's son is mowing our lawn this summer and was here today while we were not home. As he was in our back yard, someone stole his weed waker from our front yard! His father called the sheriff, filed a report, and the man responsible (who was driving around our neighborhood looking for scrap metal- and obviously other unattended valuables) was found and the item recovered.
The Village of Canal Winchester has no ordnance against recyclers driving through the neighborhood picking up discarded items at the curb. However such drives mostly occur on Sunday (day before trash collection), so it is best to be most watchful then.
Although our neighborhood is relatively safe, crime can occur anytime of the day or night and in a matter of minutes. Be alert to unusual activity on your street and in the neighborhood and if you observe something out of the ordinary, report it immediately to the Fairfield County Sheriff''s Office at (740) 652 7911.